The Lisa Schlaeger Method, Is A Comprehensive Program That Includes A Collection Of Classical Pilates Exercises And Original Studio 8 Exercises Created By Lisa Schlaeger. The Studio 8 Exercises Have Been Cultivated From The Core Concepts Joseph Pilates Created Years Ago.

In this program, you will not only learn the details of the choreography but how to teach them to your clients effectively so that they will understand the exercises and get the most out of them. The certification will also include education in necessary anatomy and injury prevention. The anatomy knowledge will be applied to the exercises to increase the efficiency of each exercise and protect the health of your clients.

This program consists of 5 modules, mat work, reformer, trap table (Cadillac), chair, and barrel. The first two classes will focus on anatomy and injury prevention. The five modules will break down the exercises and choreography for each piece of equipment. The program also requires teaching observation, practice teaching, and final test out.

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